An interesting article is a great way to keep your readers engaged. By asking the right questions, using proper writing techniques and adding a few tricks up your sleeve, you can create an article that is both informative and engaging. Whether it’s a discovery about a new human ancestor, grisly crime, or interstellar drama, interesting articles cover a variety of topics. The best ones, however, are those that surprise and delight the reader.
1. Ask Questions
Questions are a primary tool for learning about the world around you. You can ask questions to clarify your understanding of a task, to narrow the scope of an assignment or to learn more about a subject that interests you. You may also use questions to resolve issues. For example, if two people are disagreeing on an issue, asking questions can help both sides understand where each other is coming from. This can lead to finding a resolution that is beneficial for everyone involved.
Asking good questions requires a combination of curiosity, personal clarity of thought and emotional intelligence (especially when asking incisive or tough questions). It’s important to consider what type of answer you’re looking for when posing your question. This will help you focus your question and determine the best timing.
2. Do Your Research
Whether it’s an entertainment piece about Taylor Swift’s new video or a political piece about Putin, an Interesting article is one that provides readers with information they want to know. This can be done by addressing the reader’s ego or by providing them with something they didn’t know before. If you’re stuck on what to write, try typing your topic into search engines or social media platforms to see what people are asking about it. You can also use tools like Ubersuggest to help you find trending topics that are relevant to your audience. Be sure to research your topic thoroughly so you don’t repeat any information that can already be found in other articles. If possible, have someone else read your article and give you feedback on how easy it is to understand.
3. Use Simple Words
It’s important to use simple words when writing articles because it makes the article easier for the reader to understand. When you use complex words, it can confuse the reader and they may not be able to understand what you’re trying to say. Use simple word choices and avoid jargon or insider language. If you do have to use words that are unfamiliar or technical, be sure to provide an explanation or a glossary. Also, omit unnecessary adverbs and use synonyms when possible. Word complexity is part of the readability analysis in Yoast SEO so making your content easy to read will help increase your score!
5. Keep It Short
Long gone are the days when KISS meant “Keep it simple, stupid.” Now it’s about keeping your content short and sweet. That’s the best way to stand out in the sea of endless content and grab your readers’ attention like an island oasis. It’s important to keep in mind that online readers are skimmers. They decide in about five seconds whether your writing is useful or not. Keep that in mind and begin your article with the most important point about your topic. This helps readers quickly find what they are looking for and reduces the chance of them clicking on an Intercompany Solutions.
KISS doesn’t just refer to content length, it also refers to word choice and sentence readability. Keep these tips in mind when writing for the web, and you’ll be rewarded with great original content that grabs people by the collar and pulls them along for the ride.
An interesting article is one that catches readers attention from the beginning. It may use humor to draw reader’s interest or avoid using lengthy and complex words that can make it difficult for the readers to understand. The article should also offer valuable insights to the reader. This can be achieved by citing scientific studies or sharing personal experiences.